Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Inkscape activities

Explanation of the activity:
These are the three flags that I have made in digitization using the Inkscape application.
At first it was complicated but once you look at the explanations and follow the steps it becomes easier than expected.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Exercises 41 and 42

41.- Think you want to print out a photograph with a size of DIN A4: 210 × 297 mm maintaining a printing quality of 200 dpi. Which resolution would the image need?

Solution: To print at 200 DPI on A4 paper, your image should have a resolution of 1654 × 2338 pixels. This ensures the photograph will maintain the desired print quality at that size.

42.- Which resolution would the same picture need to have a 300 dpi picture?

Solution: The image needs to have a resolution of 2481 × 3507 pixels to print at A4 size with a quality of 300 DPI.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Digital security - 2nd problem


I like online games and spend all my spare time playing on the computer and phone. I even prefer playing over going out with family or friends. My parents are all time telling me to organize better my time but I think it is my hobby and does no harm on me.


- Online harassment.                                                                 - Online predators.

- Privacy issues.                                                                        - Hidden charges.

- Personal information left on consoles and PCs.                     - Malware.

- Concerns associated with the use of webcams.

The effects that can arise from excessive use of screens in our eyes can range from visual fatigue to an itchy sensation, dry eye disease, starting to suffer from blurred vision or even headaches and eyelid pain.


Click here (information about the risks of online gaming)

Click here (information about the video game addiction)


1.- Use strong passwords.

2.- Use a VPN (which stands for virtual private network, protects its users by encrypting their data and masking their IP addresses).

3.- Keep your software up to date.

4.- Go out with friends.

5.-  Have just a little screen time a day.

You should listen to your parents and not spend so much time with screens, you could go out with your friends and be more organized when it comes to studies and other things that are more important.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Digital security - 1st problem


Always use the same password for all my accounts and applications. I do not like to use complicated passwords because it is difficult to remember and too long. 


Reusing the same password for multiple accounts makes you vulnerable to cyber attacks such as credential stuffing. This is when a cybercriminal uses verified login information – commonly found on the dark web after a data leak – then tries those credentials on a variety of other websites in an attempt to gain access. If someone reuses the same password for multiple accounts, a compromised credential from just one of them can result in severe impacts if your identity, banking or other Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is compromised.


Click here (information about whether it is safe to have the same passwords on all sites)

Click here (questions and answers from other people on this topic) 


To avoid problems you can:

1.- Make the beginning of the password the same in all of them and then the end different in each one

2.- Have a little notebook that you can always have in a place that you know and write down all the passwords and what each one is for.

3.- Put passwords that are easy to remember but different.

4.- Put things that are always within your reach: birthdays...

5.- Use private applications to save passwords on your phone

Maybe now you think that it is not necessary but the day it becomes a serious problem because they see your own data you will realize it and from that day on you will change your cobpasswords without thinking twice.

Here you have a video with some explanations.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Total price

 Motherboard - 160,34 € 

Case - 84 € 

CPU - 169 € 

Memory RAM - 89,30 € 

Storage device - 209,99 € 

Power supply - 35,99 € 

Graphic card - 199,99 €  

Monitor -  102,03 €

Total price: 1050.64 € 


How can you build your own computer?

Mine information of the components of a computer.

The motherboard, which is the main circuit board that secures all of the hardware, is always the first item on a list of all the parts of a computer.

A computer case is the outer shell of a computer. This case is what the motherboard, hard drives, cd drives, etc are mounted to make the complete computer.

The central processing unit (CPU) commonly referres to as the processor, is the 'brain' of your computer. The CPU solves all the sophisticated algorithms and programming your computer does while runnung programs or applications

RAM stands for random acces memory, and it's one of the most fundamental elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your computer stores data it needs to retrieve quickly.

A storage device is a piece of hardware that is primarily used for storing data. Every desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone will have some kind of storage device within it. There are also standalone, external storage drives that you can use across devices.

An electrical appliance known as a power supply provides electricity to an electrical load, such as a server, laptop, or other electronic devices. To power a load, a power supply's primary job is to transform electric current from a source into the appropriate voltage, current, and frequency.

A graphic card, also know as a video card or graphics processing unit (GPU), is a hardware component responsible for rendering and displaying images, videos, and animations on your computer monitor.

A monitor is an electronic output device used to display information being entered and processed on a computer. The primary use of a monitor is to display images, text, video, and graphica information generated by the computer via a computer`s video card.

Inkscape activities

Explanation of the activity: These are the three flags that I have made in digitization using the Inkscape application. At first it was comp...