Thursday, September 26, 2024

Conditions that my blog meets

- I choose a Template 
- I change the language to English
- Include Labels on the articles 
- I change my favicon, 
- Learn the difference between Articles and pages 
- Include a post with photos and links 
- Include an article with embed video or/and embed audio 
- Include also a link on an article or a page
- Learn the difference between page menu and labels 
- Create three stable pages with important information: About me, About my blog(s), Important info, and publish them as a menu 
- Evaluate your blog and improve it up to get the best of it 
- I check my blog link is correct on the teacher's blog


  1. This is avery good blog it has all that a blog its has to have: photos, videos links..
    The photos and videos are have very good quality.

  2. Your blog is very beautiful Rebeca. I love it, very good work! //Patricia.

  3. I like the blog, but you forgot the image header and I could not find the labels

  4. Cropp the header image so as to fit better on the blog header


Inkscape activities

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