Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How can you build your own computer?

Mine information of the components of a computer.

The motherboard, which is the main circuit board that secures all of the hardware, is always the first item on a list of all the parts of a computer.

A computer case is the outer shell of a computer. This case is what the motherboard, hard drives, cd drives, etc are mounted to make the complete computer.

The central processing unit (CPU) commonly referres to as the processor, is the 'brain' of your computer. The CPU solves all the sophisticated algorithms and programming your computer does while runnung programs or applications

RAM stands for random acces memory, and it's one of the most fundamental elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your computer stores data it needs to retrieve quickly.

A storage device is a piece of hardware that is primarily used for storing data. Every desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone will have some kind of storage device within it. There are also standalone, external storage drives that you can use across devices.

An electrical appliance known as a power supply provides electricity to an electrical load, such as a server, laptop, or other electronic devices. To power a load, a power supply's primary job is to transform electric current from a source into the appropriate voltage, current, and frequency.

A graphic card, also know as a video card or graphics processing unit (GPU), is a hardware component responsible for rendering and displaying images, videos, and animations on your computer monitor.

A monitor is an electronic output device used to display information being entered and processed on a computer. The primary use of a monitor is to display images, text, video, and graphica information generated by the computer via a computer`s video card.

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